Join us for free live workshops that will help everyone in your school build more sustainable and equitable AP programs. Hosted by the experts of Marco Learning and Mass Insight Education & Research, this workshop will provide you with new tools for assessing your AP program.
All teachers and administrators are welcome to attend these sessions, which will take place in Marco Learning’s live online classroom. Sessions will also be recorded and sent to registrants within 1 business day of each workshop. Attendees may also request certificates of completion.

Mass Insight Education and Research partners with states, districts, schools, and communities to implement customized strategies and build capacity to advance equity and opportunity in K-12 education, so that all students, and particularly those who have been systemically marginalized, are prepared to achieve their academic and personal potential.
Day 1: Saturday, March 11th
School Improvement
Building a Culture of Success through AP
2-3 PM ET
Day 2: Saturday, March 18th
AP On-Track Framework
A tool to support student success in AP classes
2-3 PM ET
The AP Equity Self-Assessment
A tool to ensure all students have equitable access
to your AP program
3-4 PM ET