The 2022 APUSH Free-Response Questions

If you’d like to know what the prompts and documents were for the 2022 APUSH free-response questions, you can download them here, on The College Board’s website.

Watch Tom Richey’s overview of these free-response questions here.

Click here to view Tom Richey’s sample responses to the 2022 APUSH SAQ items.

Click here to view Tom Richey view my sample response(s) to the 2022 APUSH DBQ. This file will be updated to include several sample responses that would earn different point values.

Based off of excerpts from Ray Allen Billingham’s Westward Expansion, A History of the American Frontier, 1949 and Carlos A. Schwantes’ The Concept of the Wagoners’ Frontier, 1987, this was Question 1 on the short answer question section of the 2022 APUSH Exam.

1. Using the excerpts, respond to parts a, b, and c.
a. Briefly describe one major difference between Billington’s and Schwantes’ historical interpretations of the American West.
b. Briefly explain how one historical event or development from 1848 to 1898 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Billington’s interpretation.
c. Briefly explain how one historical event or development from 1848 to 1898 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Schwantes’ interpretation.

Question 2 of the short-answer section was based off of an excerpt from John Mercer Langston’s petition to the Ohio state legislature, 1854. It asked:

2. Using the excerpt, respond to parts a, b, and c.

a. Briefly describe the point of view of the excerpt.

b. Briefly explain how one specific historical event or development between 1783 and 1854 led to developments such as that depicted in the excerpt.

c. Briefly explain how one specific historical event or development between 1854 and 1877 resulted from developments such as that depicted in the excerpt.

Questions 3 and 4 of the short answer section were as follows:

3. Respond to parts a, b, and c.

a. Briefly describe one way that one Native American society adapted to its environment prior to European contact.

b. Briefly explain one similarity in how Native American societies in two regions adapted to European contact from 1492 to 1763.

c. Briefly explain one difference in how Native American societies in two regions adapted to European contact from 1492 to 1763.

4.Respond to parts a, b, and c.

a. Briefly describe one way reform movements responded to economic conditions from 1880 to 1920.

b. Briefly explain one similarity in how two reform movements attempted to change United States society from 1880 to 1920.

c. Briefly explain one difference in how two reform movements attempted to change United States society from 1880 to 1920.

Section II of the AP U.S. History free-response section comprises of a document-based question (DBQ) and one long essay question (LEQ), which you can choose to answer from three different prompts.

Question 1, the document-based question on the 2022 APUSH Exam asked test takers to:

1. Evaluate the extent to which the United States developed an identity between 1800 and 1855.

For the long essay questions, students were asked to respond to one of the following prompts:

2. Evaluate the relative importance of causes of population movement to colonial British America in the period from 1607 to 1754.

3. Evaluate the relative importance of causes of the rise of industrial capitalism in the United States in the period from 1865 to 1900.

4. Evaluate the relative importance of causes of internal migration within the United States in the period from 1900 to 1970.

Watch Tom Richey’s overview of these free-response questions here.

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