Great Writing
Starts Here
Great Writing
Starts Here

We support AP students with free high-quality resources.
We support students as they prepare for standardized tests and college admissions. Most students access our content for free, including free practice tests, free study guides, and hundreds of video reviews.
We support teachers with professional development and lesson plans.
We support teachers with interactive professional development and mentoring both during the summer and throughout the school year. Our comprehensive lesson plans and resources help teachers save time and improve student outcomes. Learn more about our teacher programs and resources.

We support schools with our signature feedback service.
We support more than 200,000 students every year through school-based programs that provide detailed personalized feedback on student writing. Our signature AP®️ School Support program supports school administrators with program consulting, teachers with professional development and curricular resources, and students with live reviews and essay feedback. Read more about our school-based programs.