The 2023 AP® Lang FRQ Questions Were Just Released: Now what?

Written by Katie Upton

At the end of each year, AP teachers patiently wait for College Board to release the free response questions from each exam, and AP Lang teachers are no different . . . except that we may be just a little impatient. AP Lang teachers are giddy about FRQ prompts because they’re like the magical unicorn of assessments. They help students sprout critical thinking and writing skills, simulate real-life writing adventures, unleash creativity, align with the curriculum, and even sprinkle some professional development fairy dust. It’s like a joyride on a rainbow of learning. Luckily, College Board does make any teacher wait too long to see the FRQs, and this year, AP Lang teachers have two sets of FRQs to study. If you haven’t seen the 2023 AP Lang FRQ prompts yet, you can find them here and here.

Why are these past Free Response Questions valuable?

1. Opportunity for Skill Development: FRQ prompts in AP Lang are designed to assess students’ ability to analyze and respond to complex texts effectively. These prompts often require students to engage in critical thinking, close reading, and argumentation. Teachers see these prompts as valuable opportunities for students to develop and refine their analytical and communication skills.

2. Authentic Assessment: FRQ prompts in AP Lang aim to simulate real-world writing tasks, such as persuasive essays, argumentative analysis, or rhetorical analysis. We can appreciate the authenticity of these prompts, as they reflect the kind of writing tasks students may encounter in college or professional settings. They believe that tackling these prompts prepares students for future academic and professional endeavors.

3. Creativity and Flexibility: AP Lang FRQ prompts often allow room for students to demonstrate their creativity and originality in crafting their responses. The prompts may be open-ended, requiring students to form and support their own arguments or interpretations. Teachers enjoy seeing the diverse range of responses students generate, as it showcases their unique perspectives and writing styles.

4. Curriculum Alignment: AP Lang teachers invest significant time and effort in designing their curricula to align with the AP course framework. They appreciate FRQ prompts that align with the skills and content they have covered throughout the year. Well-aligned prompts allow teachers to gauge the effectiveness of their instruction and provide valuable feedback to students.

5. Professional Development: Engaging with FRQ prompts offers teachers an opportunity for professional development. By analyzing and discussing the prompts with colleagues, attending workshops, or reviewing scoring guidelines, teachers can deepen their understanding of the skills assessed and enhance their instructional strategies. This ongoing professional growth benefits both teachers and their students. In a few months, College Board will release a High, Medium, and Low scoring essays for each prompt, which provides great insight for both teachers and students. 

Overall, AP Lang teachers view FRQ prompts as valuable tools for assessing and fostering students’ critical thinking, writing, and analytical skills. The prompts offer opportunities for students to showcase their abilities in authentic and creative ways, while also facilitating professional development for teachers. They provide us a glimpse into the mind of College Board so we can prepare appropriately for the exam each year. 

Let’s take a look at the first set of Free Response Questions for the 2023 AP Lang Exam. 

Question 1: The Synthesis Essay

Historically, this essay has earned the highest global average score. However with the new 6-point rubric that was introduced in 2019, the global average scores for both the synthesis essay and the rhetorical analysis have hovered around 3.56. Remember, we want students to score 4 or higher on the 6-point rubrics, so we have some work to do! 

2023 Free Response Question #1 Prompt

Urban rewilding is an effort to restore natural ecological processes and habitats in city environments. Many cities around the world have embraced rewilding as part of larger movements to promote ecological conservation and environmentally friendly design. Now, a movement to promote urban rewilding is beginning to take shape in the United States as well. 

Carefully read the six sources, including introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesis material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the extent to which rewilding initiatives are worthwhile for urban communities to pursue.

After looking at this prompt, there is a lot to consider before moving into analyzing the sources, and we certainly want to unpack the prompt because there is helpful information within it such as: 

  • The definition of urban rewilding 
  • A brief summarization of the benefits of urban rewilding 

Often, the introductory paragraph includes information from multiple perspectives; however, this one does not, so students will have to closely examine the sources. 

Now, let’s review the sources: 

Source A: this infographic includes statistical evidence that supports how urban rewilding can improve our global environment and was published by a credible source in 2021. 

Source B: The excerpt introduces rewilding as a powerful concept in conservation that combines passion for nature with ecological science. It outlines seven principles guiding rewilding, including restoring natural processes, embracing a gradated approach, and creating self-sustaining ecosystems. Rewilding aims to reconnect policy with public sentiment and allows for interpretation based on local traditions and landscapes.

Source C: The excerpt highlights a keynote speech by Dr. Scott Sampson, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting children with nature and promoting urban rewilding. Dr. Scott discusses the decline in outdoor experiences for today’s youth and suggests that urban rewilding, starting with planting native plants, can help restore ecosystems and create a welcoming environment for nature in cities. The movement to rewild children aligns with pillars of conservation, health and wellness, and social equity. Dr. Scott encourages collaboration and big thinking to shape a successful and sustainable future for communities.

Source D: The excerpt discusses the challenges of implementing rewilding in urban areas of the United Kingdom. The author questions the feasibility of dedicating large urban spaces to rewilding due to space constraints and the need for compact urban development. Concerns include public perception, ecological limitations, and the condition of urban soils. The author suggests alternative approaches to urban nature conservation.

Source E: The graph, published by Sustainable Earth, suggests that more forest cover within urban areas may correlate to less depression, stress, and anxiety. 

Source F: The excerpt highlights the benefits of urban rewilding, such as reducing air pollution, urban overheating, and noise pollution. It mentions the creation of green corridors and linear parks in cities like New York and Madrid. Singapore’s approach to incorporating nature in urban design is also mentioned, including landscape replacement policies and park connectors.

Students must determine the extent to which rewilding initiatives are worthwhile for urban communities to pursue; therefore, they must first develop their stance. Some teachers direct students to develop their stances before reading the sources while others suggest developing them after. We say – students should do whatever makes them feel most confident! Most importantly, students must utilize at least three of the six sources, and it is important that they synthesize the sources with the body paragraphs; they should avoid incorporating only one source in each body paragraph.

When developing a position for the synthesis prompt, students must consider the multiple perspectives and nuances involved around the topic which could help them in both Row B and Row C of the rubric. 

Now, let’s take a look at my approach to this prompt: 

Thesis Statement:  Urban rewilding initiatives are essential for promoting environmental sustainability, enhancing well-being, and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

SourceHow it connects to my thesis
Source BSource B highlights the positive effects of rewilding on the physical environment of cities. By incorporating green infrastructure, such as living walls, rooftop farms, and vertical gardens, urban rewilding mitigates air pollution, reduces urban heat island effects, and enhances insulation and noise reduction. These nature-based solutions create more livable and comfortable urban environments, improving the quality of life for residents.
Source C Source C underscores the psychological and aesthetic benefits of rewilding. Proximity to nature in urban settings has been proven to enhance mental well-being, reduce stress levels, and promote a sense of connection with the natural world. Rewilded spaces also offer recreational opportunities, fostering community engagement and social cohesion.
Source BDespite the numerous benefits, rewilding initiatives in urban communities face challenges and limitations. Source B raises concerns about space constraints in cities, which hinder the creation of large-scale rewilded areas. Compact urban development often prioritizes built infrastructure over green spaces, making it challenging to implement extensive rewilding projects. Additionally, Source C highlights potential resistance from certain segments of the population who prefer more manicured environments, posing challenges in community acceptance and support.
Source ASource 1 acknowledges the limitations of rewilding in terms of creating self-sustaining ecosystems in urban areas. The availability of suitable habitats, the impact of disturbed urban soils, and the absence of large expanses of greenspace restrict the establishment of complex food webs and populations of rare predators. It is important to manage expectations and strike a balance between rewilding aspirations and the realities of urban landscapes.
Source C Moreover, rewilding contributes to the resilience and sustainability of cities. By incorporating green infrastructure and enhancing ecosystem services, rewilded areas mitigate the impacts of climate change, improve air and water quality, and support urban biodiversity. They also create more inclusive and equitable urban spaces, as highlighted in Source 3, by providing access to nature and recreational opportunities for diverse communities.
See the first set of Free Response Questions for the 2023 AP Lang Exam.

Remember, there are many different ways that students can develop the synthesis essay, and this “extent to which” prompt allows for students to qualify their stances in a variety of ways. Most importantly, students must remember to use three sources, develop a line of reasoning by situating the supporting claims and evidence intentionally. Now, let’s move on to rhetorical analysis. 

Question 2: The Rhetorical Analysis 

2023 Free Response Question #2 Prompt

Michelle Obama was the First Lady of the United States during the presidential administration of her husband, Barack Obama (2009–2017). During that administration, she led programs including the Reach Higher Initiative, which encourages students to continue their education after high school. One way it does so is by supporting high school counselors’ efforts to get students into college. On January 6, 2017, Obama gave her final speech as First Lady at an event honoring outstanding school counselors. The following passage is an excerpt from that speech. Read the passage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Obama makes to convey her message about her expectations and hope for young people in the United States.

When dissecting the rhetorical analysis prompt, students must look for the elements of the rhetorical situation. Below, I have identified those elements: 

Michelle Obama She is honoring outstanding school counselorsThis is her final speech as First Lady; during her tenure, she led programs including the Reach Higher Initiative, which encourages students to continue their education after high school. School counselors, educational leaders, students To honor school counselors and encourage This speech is about her expectations and hope for young people in the United States.

Remember, the rhetorical situation information that is included in the prompt is imperative to the analysis. Students must include this information in the commentary, drawing connections between the rhetorical choices and the rhetorical situation to illustrate how the writer’s choice illustrates their understanding of the audience’s beliefs, values, and/or needs. 

As students analyze the passage, they will look for specific choices that exhibit those connections. Below are some of the most effective choices that they could examine. 

1. Inclusive language: Obama uses inclusive language throughout her speech to address a diverse audience and emphasize unity. She refers to “young people in this room and those who are watching” (line 5) and states that the country belongs to “all of you, from every background and walk of life” (lines 7-8). This inclusive language appeals to individuals of different backgrounds, faiths, and creeds.

2. Personal anecdotes: Obama shares personal anecdotes to connect with the audience and make her message relatable. She discusses her own experiences and those of her husband, illustrating how they overcame obstacles and achieved success through hard work and education. By sharing these stories, she inspires the audience and encourages them to believe in their own potential.

3. Repetition: The use of repetition is a prominent rhetorical choice in Obama’s speech. She repeatedly emphasizes the importance of hope as a driving force for progress. Phrases such as “the power of hope” and “the belief in the power of hope” (lines 61-62) are repeated throughout the speech, reinforcing the central theme and encouraging the audience to maintain their aspirations.

4. Appeals to shared values: Obama appeals to shared values to unite the audience and emphasize the importance of certain ideals. She highlights the values of justice, compassion, honesty, and religious diversity, stating that these values are taught by different religions and should be practiced with pride (lines 22-26). By appealing to shared values, she encourages the audience to embrace diversity and work towards a common goal.

5. Call to action: Throughout her speech, Obama issues a call to action, urging the young people to prepare themselves for active participation in society. She encourages them to be informed, engaged citizens who uphold American values, contribute to their communities, and pursue education to attain a better future. This call to action inspires the audience to take responsibility and make a positive impact in their own lives and society.

These are just a few of the rhetorical choices that Michelle Obama employs in her speech to effectively convey her message and engage the audience. If students are concerned about “naming” rhetorical strategies, it is important to remind them to identify text evidence that they can analyze in relationship to the rhetorical situation. 

Finally, let’s look at the argument prompt. 

Question 3: The Argument Essay

2023 Free Response Question #3 Prompt

In a 2016 interview published in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Maxine Hong Kingston, an award-winning writer famous for her novels depicting the experiences of Chinese immigrants in the United States, stated: “I think that individual voices are not as strong as a community of voices. If we can make a community of voices, then we can speak more truth.” 

Write an essay that argues your position on the extent to which Kingston’s claim about the importance of creating a community of voices is valid.

After looking at this prompt, there is a lot to consider before developing a stance. The students must consider the different stakeholders and perspectives related to this prompt, and we certainly want to unpack the prompt because there is helpful information within it such as: 

  • Strength of an Individual Voice
    • Nobel Peace Winners
      • Elie Wiesel 
      • Nelson Mandela 
      • Malala Yousafzai 
    • Civil Rights Leaders
      • Martin Luther King Jr
      • Ceasar Chavez
      • Berta Cáceres
    • World Leaders
      • Barack Obama 
      • Winston Churchill
      • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Strength of a Community  
    • The Civil Rights Movement
    • MeToo Movement
    • Marriage Equality
    •  Environmental Activism
    • Online Communities and Social Media

Once students have considered the stakeholders and ensure that they have evidence to support multiple positions, they should develop their stance, discerning the multiple supporting claims and evidence that could create the strongest line of reasoning. In analyzing Maxine Hong Kingston’s claim about the importance of creating a community of voices, there are different stances a student could take:

1. Strongly Agree: This stance asserts that Kingston’s claim is entirely valid and holds significant weight. It argues that individual voices, while important, lack the collective power and impact that a community of voices can have in speaking the truth. It emphasizes the need for unity, solidarity, and shared experiences to effectively challenge dominant narratives and effect societal change.

2. Agree with Qualification: This stance acknowledges the validity of Kingston’s claim but suggests that there may be some situations where individual voices can still carry substantial strength. It recognizes the value of diverse perspectives and the ability of individuals to make an impact through their unique experiences. However, it ultimately supports the idea that a community of voices has a greater potential to generate comprehensive understanding and challenge systemic barriers.

3. Disagree with Qualification: This stance challenges Kingston’s claim, asserting that individual voices can be just as potent as a community of voices. It argues that individual perspectives carry their own unique strengths and can make significant contributions to truth-telling and social change. It acknowledges the importance of collaboration and collective action but emphasizes the power of individual agency and the ability to challenge narratives from a personal standpoint.

4. Strongly Disagree: This stance rejects Kingston’s claim entirely, arguing that individual voices hold more power and authenticity compared to a community of voices. It suggests that collective voices might dilute the truth by prioritizing consensus or compromising individual perspectives. This stance might emphasize the strength of individual expression and the potential for transformative change that arises from independent voices.

The stances presented here are not exhaustive, and there can be variations or combinations of these positions based on the writer’s perspective and interpretation of Kingston’s claim. Again, students must determine which stance they can defend with multiple claims pieces of evidence. 

Let’s take a look at the second set of Free Response Questions for the 2023 AP Lang Exam. 

Question 1: The Synthesis Essay

2023 Free Response Question #1 Prompt

Vertical farms are indoor agricultural facilities in which plants are grown, often in a hydroponic (soilless) environment, on tall stacks of shelves. Plants are given water, nutrients, and light mostly through automated processes. Advocates say that vertical farms are key to providing food for the future, yielding high-quality produce while making efficient use of land and water. Critics warn about the energy consumption associated with vertical farms’ automated processes as well as problems related to cost and nutritional value.

Carefully read the following six sources, including the introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the value, if any, of vertical farms to the future of agriculture.

Analyzing the prompt:

The prompt introduces the concept of vertical farms, which are indoor agricultural facilities that use stacked shelves to grow plants in a soilless environment. It highlights the benefits of vertical farms, such as the ability to provide high-quality produce while maximizing land and water efficiency. However, it also acknowledges the criticisms regarding energy consumption, cost, and nutritional value associated with vertical farming.

The task is to write an essay that synthesizes information from at least three sources and formulates a position on the value, if any, of vertical farms to the future of agriculture. This requires examining the arguments presented by both advocates and critics of vertical farming and developing a stance based on the evidence provided.

In the essay, it is important to consider the advantages of vertical farms, such as their potential to address food security challenges and optimize resource utilization. Simultaneously, the concerns raised by critics should be analyzed, including the energy requirements and the potential drawbacks in terms of cost and nutritional content.

Now, let’s review the sources: 

Source A: This source discusses the emergence of high-tech hydroponic farms, including a large greenhouse and a vertical farm. These farms utilize advanced technology to create precise growing conditions and customize flavors and textures of produce. They aim to address climate change and vulnerabilities in the food supply chain. However, critics raise concerns about the long-term health impacts and the ability to replicate the taste and nutritional value of organic farming.

Source B: This interview discusses the advantages of vertical farming, including the ability to grow crops indoors year-round, easy access to fresher produce, and efficient use of land. The limitations of vertical farming are the reliance on artificial light sources and energy-intensive HVAC systems. Lettuce and leafy greens are currently the most popular crops for vertical farming, while small fruits and fruiting vegetables are being investigated. Vertical farming is also being explored for its potential in space missions, with NASA and the USDA conducting research on crop production in controlled environments.

Source C: This table, published in a book on vertical farming, compares four types of plant production systems based on their stability, controllability, vulnerability of yield and quality, initial investment, and yield. Open fields have low stability and controllability, while vertical farms have high controllability but low stability. Greenhouses with hydroponics offer relatively low vulnerability and high controllability of the root zone. Vertical farms require extremely high initial investment but yield high results.

Source D: The excerpt raises concerns about vertical farms, emphasizing their high costs, expensive food prices, and significant energy consumption. It questions the need for indoor farming and argues against using renewable energy to replace natural sunlight.

Source E: Vertical farming aims to increase agricultural land by constructing multi-level buildings. It offers clean, green, and gourmet food production with year-round availability, reduced pesticide use, and minimal weather-related crop failures. Recycled water and nutrients enhance food security, while monitoring technologies detect pests and diseases. Consumer perception and labeling concerns exist, but growing conditions are similar to existing systems. The closed environment minimizes pollution.

Source F: This image suggests that, by 2050, we will not have enough arable land globally to feed the world’s population. 

Now, let’s take a look at my approach to this prompt: 

Thesis Statement: Vertical farms have the potential to revolutionize future agriculture by addressing the challenges of food production, resource efficiency, and sustainability, despite concerns regarding energy consumption, cost, and nutritional value.

Below, I have outlined a few sample body paragraphs that effectively synthesize multiple sources from the packet.

Body ParagraphsSynthesized Sources
BP1Vertical farms offer a solution to the limited availability of land by maximizing resource efficiency. Despommier (2010) suggests that vertical farms can increase the crop yield on the same land footprint by constructing high-rise buildings with multiple levels. This approach addresses the challenge of land scarcity, particularly in urban areas. Furthermore, vertical farms utilize hydroponic systems, as highlighted by Source E, which eliminate the need for soil and reduce water consumption. By operating in a controlled indoor environment, vertical farms minimize the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, promoting sustainability.
BP2While vertical farms have numerous benefits, critics raise concerns about their energy consumption and cost. Freight Farms, as mentioned in Source D, emphasizes the significant energy requirements associated with maintaining optimal growing conditions, including artificial lighting and climate control systems. This raises questions about the long-term sustainability and environmental impact of vertical farms. Additionally, the Wall Street Journal notes that the high cost of setting up and operating these facilities may limit accessibility, potentially restricting the benefits to affluent consumers (Source D).
BP3Vertical farms have the potential to enhance food security, which must occur before 2050 when the world’s population outnumbers arable land, by providing a consistent and reliable food supply (Source F). The controlled indoor environment allows for year-round cultivation, independent of external factors such as weather and seasonality (Source E). This feature reduces the vulnerability of crop failures and ensures a stable food supply. However, critics argue that the high cost of produce from vertical farms may hinder its accessibility and primarily benefit affluent consumers, highlighting that the economic considerations of vertical farming need to be addressed to ensure equitable access to its benefits (Source D).
See the second set of Free Response Questions for the 2023 AP Lang Exam.

I would argue that it is difficult to take any stance other than a qualifying one, but that is a challenging tasks for student. Make sure to encourage them to take these kinds of risks with prompts in your classroom to help them prepare for a prompt such as this one.  Now, let’s move on to rhetorical analysis. 

Question 2: The Rhetorical Analysis 

2023 Free Response Question #2 Prompt

On May 21, 2016, the poet Rita Dove delivered a commencement address to graduating students at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville, where she was a professor of English at the time. Dove received a Pulitzer Prize for her poetry and served as the United States poet laureate from 1993 to 1995. She also writes in a variety of genres including fiction and drama. The following is an excerpt from her speech. Read the passage carefully. Write an essay that analyzes the rhetorical choices Dove makes to convey her message about what she wishes for her audience of graduating students.

When dissecting the rhetorical analysis prompt, students must look for the elements of the rhetorical situation. Below, I have identified those elements: 

  • The prompt presents various elements of the rhetorical situation surrounding Rita Dove’s commencement address. These elements include the time and place of the speech, Dove’s background and credentials as a poet and professor of English at the University of Virginia, her recognition as a Pulitzer Prize winner and former U.S. poet laureate, and her experience in writing across different genres. 
  • The time and place of the speech, May 21, 2016, at the University of Virginia, indicate that Dove’s address is specifically tailored to the graduating students of that particular year. This temporal and spatial setting suggests a sense of relevance and immediacy, as Dove’s words are meant to resonate with the students on the cusp of embarking on their post-graduation journeys.
  • Dove’s background as a renowned poet, professor, and former poet laureate lends her credibility and establishes her ethos as a speaker. Her Pulitzer Prize recognition further enhances her authority and expertise in the field of poetry. Additionally, mentioning her versatility in writing across genres highlights her breadth of knowledge and creativity, which can potentially inform her rhetorical choices in the address.

Considering the elements of the rhetorical situation, Dove’s rhetorical choices can be analyzed in relation to her message and wishes for the graduating students. Examining her use of language, tone, structure, and appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos can provide insights into how she seeks to connect with the audience and convey her desired message effectively.

Overall, understanding the rhetorical situation helps frame the analysis of Dove’s choices, allowing for a deeper exploration of how her background, the occasion, and the audience’s context may have influenced her rhetorical strategies and contributed to the overall impact of her address.

As students analyze the passage, they will look for specific choices that exhibit those connections. Below are some of the most effective choices that they could examine.

Rhetorical Choices     Explanation 
Personal anecdotes and references  Dove establishes a connection with the audience by mentioning her 27-year tenure at the University of Virginia, creating familiarity and shared experience.                                                  
Shift from advice to wishes    Instead of offering advice, Dove presents wishes, creating a more personal and relatable tone that conveys empathy and warmth.
Use of vivid imagery and metaphors  Metaphors like “hunger” and “a swiftly flowing stream of possibilities” add depth and visual appeal, emphasizing the importance of curiosity and embracing uncertainty.
Incorporation of personal anecdotes        Sharing her experiences, such as receiving the Pulitzer Prize and being named Poet Laureate, adds relatability and inspiration, encouraging the students to take risks and embrace challenges.

Analyzing Dove’s Line of Reasoning 

  • She begins by acknowledging the traditional role of a commencement speaker in giving life advice.
  • Dove highlights the limitations of generic advice in a broad commencement setting.
  •  She argues that effective advice must be specific, which is impossible to achieve in this context.
  • Dove strategically shifts her speech to offer wishes instead of advice.
  • By reframing her message as wishes, she creates a more personal and relatable tone. 
  • The use of personal anecdotes and references strengthens her line of reason.
  • Dove shares stories from her own life, such as her journey as a shy student and her achievements as a poet.
  • These anecdotes serve as evidence to support her wishes and provide relatable examples for the graduating students.

– Overall, Dove’s line of reason is logical and persuasive, engaging the audience on a personal level.

Finally, let’s look at the argument prompt. 

Question 3: The Argument Essay

2023 Free Response Question #3 Prompt

In a 2018 interview about the importance of collaboration, then United States Representative Carlos Curbelo stated: “If you’re trying to convince someone that they need to get involved in an issue or perhaps change their thinking on an issue, trying to scare them is not always effective and can actually sow1 resentment.”

Write an essay that argues your position on the extent to which Curbelo’s claim about persuading others is valid.

The given prompt presents an opportunity to analyze and evaluate Carlos Curbelo’s claim regarding the effectiveness of using fear as a persuasive tactic when trying to engage others in an issue or change their perspective. To formulate a well-rounded essay on the validity of Curbelo’s statement, students must consider various perspectives and examples that support or challenge his assertion. 

  • Firstly, it is essential to delve into the context of Curbelo’s claim. As a former United States Representative, Curbelo likely encountered numerous situations where he had to engage with individuals who held differing opinions or were resistant to change. His statement suggests that relying solely on fear tactics to persuade others can be counterproductive, leading to resentment rather than fostering collaboration.
  • To argue the extent to which Curbelo’s claim is valid, it is important to present both supporting and opposing viewpoints. A student could explore instances where fear has been successfully employed as a persuasive strategy, highlighting its ability to elicit action or mobilize individuals. For example, in public health campaigns, fear appeals have been used to raise awareness about the consequences of smoking or reckless driving, leading to behavior change in some cases.
  • However, it is crucial to balance this perspective with counterarguments. Curbelo’s claim aligns with research and psychological studies that suggest fear-based tactics may trigger defensive reactions, such as denial or resentment, ultimately hindering productive dialogue. When individuals feel attacked or overwhelmed by fear-inducing messages, they may become less open to considering alternative viewpoints or engaging in constructive conversations.
  • To further analyze the validity of Curbelo’s claim, a student can explore real-life examples and case studies. Instances where fear tactics have backfired and resulted in increased resistance or polarization could be examined. This could include political campaigns or advocacy efforts where fear-based messaging led to heightened divisiveness or the entrenchment of existing beliefs.
  • Additionally, students can consider alternative approaches to persuasion that prioritize empathy, shared values, and open dialogue. Building trust, establishing common ground, and fostering understanding are often more effective methods of engaging others and inspiring genuine change. By exploring these alternative strategies, the essay can provide a comprehensive evaluation of Curbelo’s claim.

Evaluating the extent to which Carlos Curbelo’s claim about the effectiveness of fear as a persuasive tactic is valid requires a thoughtful analysis of various perspectives and examples. While fear can sometimes prompt action, it is crucial to consider its potential negative consequences, such as resentment and resistance. By considering both supporting and opposing viewpoints, as well as real-life examples, the essay can present a nuanced evaluation of Curbelo’s claim and provide insights into more effective approaches to persuasion.

That’s a wrap, folks!

In a nutshell, using those previously released AP Lang tests is a total game-changer for teachers and students. It’s like having the ultimate cheat code to ace the exam! These tests give teachers the inside scoop on the format, offer legit practice opportunities, and help hone those essential skills. So, buckle up and tap into the treasure trove of past exams. Get ready to rock the AP Lang course like a boss and unlock your students’ full linguistic potential. It’s time to level up!

Katie Upton

Katie Upton has been teaching English courses for 15 years, helping students become college and career ready. She is an expert in AP® Language and Composition and a leader of the AP® Capstone program, and has led professional development as well, helping teachers blend 21st century learning with educational practices that have stood the test of time. A former basketball coach herself, Katie spends her free time cheering on her two boys in all that they do and supporting her husband, a head girls’ basketball coach.

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