Great Feedback
Starts Here

How Our Service Works

  1. Teachers upload student work.
Customizable assignments and rubrics
Both handwritten and typed assignments accepted
  1. Our graders score and provide feedback.
Standards-aligned scoring
Specific, actionable feedback
  1. Teachers download feedback reports.
Comprehensive reports for school leaders, teachers, AND students

How Everyone Benefits

What Teachers Get

  • Class Feedback
    Personalized feedback about each class section
  • Analytics Dashboard
    Comprehensive data reports that highlight student performance by topic or learning objective

What Students Get

  • Individualized Feedback
    Personalized, hand-crafted reports designed to encourage students and help them improve
  • Rubric Aligned Scoring
    Feedback and scoring aligned to the teacher provided rubric to support students in specific areas of writing growth.

What School Leaders Get

computer with grading portal
  • Real-Time Monitoring
    Visibility into teacher useage, engagement, student scores, and raw data
  • Analytics Dashboard
    • Robust quantitative data for analyzing student writing trends over time
    • Actionable feedback for data driven PLCs, department meetings, and instructional coaching

A better way to do benchmarks

With writing benchmarks for every student, schools acquire robust, objective data on student performance without relying on multiple-choice questions. Marco Learning’s feedback and scoring service saves teachers time and enables data-driven instructional planning.


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